7 Ways For Treating Hair Loss and Fertile not

Make you and you who have Hair Loss and dull following are tips and ways to Grow Lush Hair and Healthy Buddies:

1) Reduce or avoid the use of shampoo with a foam that is too much. Because that has foam shampoo contains a lot of pH 7 to 8, which can damage the skin's natural acid head around pH 5.5. PH imbalance can disturb the healthy growth of hair and cause hair loss. Try to replace the shampoo with a low-foam formula, or use baby shampoo because it generally does not contain detergents.

2) Conditioner useful to counter the alkaline nature of the hair. The nature of acid in the hair cuticle conditioner will close to normal. Conditioner also provides oil to the hair and make it more radiant. Although the hair is actually producing oil, but the long hair, the oil was not until the end of the hair, and this is one for conditioner.

3) Frequently massaging the scalp. Massaging the scalp function to help facilitate the circulation of blood. The blood will go to the capillaries to deliver food for the roots of hair. Bow your head when to shampoo while massaging the scalp. This can help your brain get better oxygen intake which can help you concentrate better.

4) Take a supplement containing vitamin B6 and Zinc, especially if you do not get the intake of these nutrients from food. Vitamin B5 and B6 regulates the production of sebum, oil that lubricate the hair follicles to produce healthy hair shaft.

5) Reduce the consumption of coffee and soda, replace it with a fruit smoothie drink that is rich in B vitamins, such as bananas, strawberries, mango and kiwi fruit so that the intake of vitamin B will multiply. In addition, excess caffeine in your body will actually eliminate the reserves of vitamin B5 and B6. Nuts and wholegrain rich in zinc are also absolutely consumed to cope with hair loss.

6) Limit the use of chemical or physical treatment of excessive hair. The hair is colored, in-Rebonding, dicatok, or tied and dried using a hair dryer has been torturing your hair so the hair becomes stressed and more vulnerable.

7) Avoid stress, because stress can trigger hair loss. Try to sleep enough for your body to get enough rest. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol. And avoid too strict a diet or an unbalanced diet, lack of protein intake will also reduce the rations of protein nutrition for hair growth.
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Apples Keep You from Disease

Apples are one of the fruits of the oldest known human. This fruit has about 7000 varieties in South America. Both apple green, yellow or red is always a favorite for people to eat it.

Apple has long been believed to be beneficial to health, although the bulk of people do not know why. Apples are the fruit with low acid content so easily digestible and good for dental health because it can stimulate the gums and increase saliva to reduce bacteria in the mouth.

An apple a day may keep you from disease. Apples low in calories and rich in fiber. Pectin, a soluble type of fiber, helps reduce blood cholesterol and control blood sugar. Apple skins contain cellulose, an insoluble fiber type, which can help prevent constipation.

While apples also contain quercitin, a beneficial phytochemicals as anti-inflammatory and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Quercitin contained in and almost close to the skin. Avoid cooking apple because it can reduce fiber content and flavonols. Eating fresh apples into the best way.

To get a good apple, choose a fresh with bright colors. Store in a perforated bag in the refrigerator to avoid turn into flabby. Many refrigerators containing ethylene which causes the fruits and other vegetables cooked more quickly because it is away from bananas, watermelon, kiwi, green vegetables and carrots

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Food Set Healthy Hair

If you have any problems with the hair which, from day to week, getting your hair is not good, do not blame the shampoo you use, do you ever think that your diet may be the cause?

Hair for shiny, healthy and protected from conditions such as drying the scalp, hair needs the right vitamins and minerals to be healthy. Hair can also be the first place to determine other symptoms in the body. Dry hair can be caused by dehydration, dead hair can be caused by lack of nutrients, and loss can be caused by stress.

Here are some ways to eat to ensure healthy hair:

1. Loss
Hair is made of protein so if you do not eat enough protein, this will lead to iron deficiency and the consequent hair loss. Mutivitamin advised to consume supplements including vitamin C and iron every day. You can also increase the protein by eating meat, fish oil, which is good for hair luster and leafy vegetables hujau.

2. Dry scalp
This is a sign that you are not eating enough essential fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are fats that are important for skin moisture and hair cells. Source to get this fat is fish oil such as salmon, mackerel, avocado and nuts.

If red and itchy scalp, it shows you eat too much salt and sugar. In contrast to the belief that dandruff is caused by an oily scalp is not due to dryness of the scalp. To avoid this you should eat enough fatty acids, wash with anti-fungal shampoos or shampoos pohoh tea oil.

3. Hair die
It's hard to find specific causes of hair dying. Be sure you eat enough fruits and vegetables to keep the body get the vitamins and minerals that match. Dry hair caused by lack of iron and zinc. Brittle hair may be a side effect of smoking, because smoking can clog the blood flow to the hair root. Hair split due to lack of protein and fatty acids. If you have already started to eat foods that can nourish hair, be patient to wait for the results because the effects take a long time

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