Benefits of eating Spicy Food

Spicy foods are not always interpreted as a processed food with chilli. Spicy flavor can also be obtained from the pepper, black pepper, turmeric, and various other herbs.

You who love spicy food may feel good, because it has a spicy taste many health benefits. For example, as has been often mentioned before, spicy foods may attenuate the body.

But that is only one example only. Take a look at other benefits that you did not know:

1. Lose weight. Anyone would agree, any food that would have given the sauce over the appetite. If you want, your diet can be cocolan sauce. If this can make you healthy eating rules with more tasteful, why not? Moreover, spicy flavor that can increase your metabolism. Studies show that the main compound in chili peppers, namely capsaicin, has a thermogenic effect that can cause the body to burn calories while chewing for 20 minutes.

2. Heart healthy. The study also shows, cultural eating spicy foods causes heart attack and stroke incidence is lower. The reason, red peppers can reduce the damaging effects of bad cholesterol, while capsaicin may fight inflammation. Both are risk factors for heart problems.

3. Preventing cancer. According to the American Association for Cancer Research, capsaicin also have the ability to kill some cancer cells and leukemia. While turmeric, which is used as curry and mustard, can slow the spread of cancer and tumor growth.

"These spices have the same effect on the body like the cancer drugs," said Gregory A. Plotnikoff, MD, senior consultant for health care innovation at Allina Hospitals and Clinics in Minnesota.

If you want to give maximum results, combine with black pepper to absorb the saffron 2000 percent more.

4. Lowering blood pressure. Vitamin A and C can strengthen the heart muscle wall, while the heat from the pepper improve blood flow throughout the body. This combination can produce a stronger cardiovascular system.

5. Reduce stress. Spicy foods increase the production of hormones that give a sense of fun, such as serotonin. As a result, these foods help to drive out depression and stress.

What if you do not like spicy food?

You can still get health benefits by adding spices that contain zinc into your diet. For example, enter the already digeprek ginger in tea. Or, make the shrimp with cumin and coriander spices are sauteed in the skillet. Can also add a sprinkling of chili powder into the chicken curry that you created.

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Basic Movements of Yoga for Beginners

If you're not already doing yoga, seeing some of the more complicated yoga poses can be downright intimidating. Before you dismiss yoga as something you can't do, however, remember that anyone can do yoga. From little kids to older folks, yoga benefits everyone. It is an age-old practice that incorporates physical poses, soothing breathing exercises and deep meditation sessions to unite the mind, body and spirit as one.

Many practitioners of yoga develop a very deep sense of awareness about themselves and the universe. Yoga can seem pretty far out to the untrained person, but if you give these poses a try, you'll find yoga to be a very enjoyable and restorative activity to incorporate into your health regimen.

Here are some beginner's poses to get you started on your journey in yoga.

Dog and Cat Pose

The Dog Pose is beneficial for a healthy spine. It is good for beginners because it is low-impact and not as physically demanding as other yoga poses. Start by standing on your hands and your knees. Place your hands slightly in front of your shoulders. Breathe in slowly and move your tailbone and pelvis upward. To do this correctly, your head should lift, stomach drop and spine curved downward. Stretch this pose as long as you can without feeling difficulty. Move into the Cat Pose by exhaling and reverse the position by bending your spine upward and your tailbone downward. Repeat these poses as often as desired.

Forward Bends

These yoga poses help strengthen and improve flexibility in the arms and legs. Stand straight with your hands touching in front of your heart (Mountain Pose). As you inhale, raise your arms high above your head. On the exhale, bend at the hips and bring your arms to the floor. Bend your knees if necessary to ensure that your hands touch the floor. Slowly rise upward on your next inhale, and repeat on the exhale. Do about four or five repetitions of this to feel its effects.

Cobra Pose

This is a perfect pose to stretch your back and arms. Begin the pose by lying flat on your stomach with your arms at your side yet near your chest and feet firmly together. Try to raise your head and chest as high as you can while maintaining a steady and slow breathing pattern. Support your body with your hands and flex your buttocks to support your back. Hold this pose for about 30 seconds and go back down on the exhale. Go back up on your next inhale and hold the pose again. The Cobra Pose helps your back muscles become stronger and more flexible.

Corpse Pose

Usually the pose to end all yoga sessions, the Corpse Pose is a great way to relax after a workout and it feels great. Start by lying flat on your back with your feet slightly apart, and your arms at your sides, palms facing upward. Breathe several deep breaths. Envision yourself sinking into the floor, and as you do that, be aware of the tensions in your body and try to relax. Clear your mind of any distractions, focusing only on relaxing. Keep this pose for about ten minutes to feel deeply relaxed and refreshed after your yoga practice.

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Serious Heart Attacks

Heart attacks are a very serious heart condition that ‘attack’ suddenly. They can be characterized by a spectrum of chest pains and discomfort as well as sweating, vomiting and nausia. Sometimes these symptoms can even result in a complete loss of consciousness. Heart attacks occur when the blood supply to a part of the heart is interrupted. This interuption causes both death and scarring of the tissue in the local area of the heart.

Due to the fact that the interuption can vary in size, as can the area that is affected. Large or small, heart attacks are serious and often life-threatening. Deemed as such they are a medical emergency which needs immediate attention from an emergency medical service. Staying on top of heart attack symptoms as well as the combination of complete medical history, blood tests and ECG findings are what make up the diagnosis for heart attacks.

In recovery the most important thing is restoring the flow of blood back to the area of the heart that has been interrupted. This is acheived through thrombolysis and/or angioplasty. Thrombolysis is a procedure in which the clot is dissolved in the artery enymatically. Angioplasty is the procedure in which a balloon is used to push open the artery.

Great importance is placed on monitoring for various complications, that could prevent a secondy heart attack. Through this monitoring work is done to help eliminate any risk factors that may exist, which helps to reduce the odds of further heart attacks.

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